Function createBicoPaymasterClient

  • Creates a Bico Paymaster Client.

    This function sets up a client for interacting with Biconomy's paymaster service. It can be configured with a custom transport, a specific paymaster URL, or with a chain ID and API key.


    • parameters: BicoPaymasterClientConfig

      Configuration options for the client.

    Returns BicoPaymasterClient

    A configured Paymaster Client instance.


    // Create a client with a custom transport
    const client1 = createBicoPaymasterClient({ transport: customTransport })


    // Create a client with a specific paymaster URL
    const client2 = createBicoPaymasterClient({ paymasterUrl: '' })


    // Create a client with chain ID and API key
    const client3 = createBicoPaymasterClient({ chainId: 1, apiKey: 'your-api-key' })


    // Create a Token Paymaster Client
    const tokenPaymasterClient = createBicoPaymasterClient({
    paymasterUrl: '',
    paymasterContext: {
    mode: "ERC20",
    tokenInfo: {
    feeTokenAddress: "0x..."