\x1b[0m is an escape sequence to reset the color of the text
All color codes used - 31 - Red, 33 - Yellow, 34 - Blue, 35 - Magenta, 36 - Cyan
log - Magenta[time] Cyan[message]: [value]
warn - Magenta[time] Yellow[WARN]: Cyan[message]: [value]
error - Magenta[time] Red[ERROR]: Cyan[message]: [value]
\x1b[0m is an escape sequence to reset the color of the text All color codes used - 31 - Red, 33 - Yellow, 34 - Blue, 35 - Magenta, 36 - Cyan log - Magenta[time] Cyan[message]: [value] warn - Magenta[time] Yellow[WARN]: Cyan[message]: [value] error - Magenta[time] Red[ERROR]: Cyan[message]: [value]