Configuration for initializing the BiconomySmartAccountV2 instance ImpersonatedSmartAccountConfig.
SessionSearchParam The session data that contains the sessionID and sessionSigner. If not provided, The default session storage (localStorage in browser, fileStorage in node backend) is used to fetch the sessionIDInfo
sessionType: boolean | SessionTypeSessionType: One of "STANDARD", "BATCHED" or "DISTRIBUTED_KEY". Default is "STANDARD".
A promise that resolves to a new instance of BiconomySmartAccountV2.
An error if something is wrong with the smart account instance creation.
import { createClient } from "viem"
import { createSmartAccountClient, BiconomySmartAccountV2 } from "@biconomy/account"
import { createWalletClient, http } from "viem";
import { polygonAmoy } from "viem/chains";
import { SessionFileStorage } from "@biconomy/session-file-storage";
const signer = createWalletClient({
chain: polygonAmoy,
transport: http(),
// The following fields are required to create a session smart account client
const smartAccountAddress = '0x...';
const sessionStorage = new SessionFileStorage(smartAccountAddress);
const sessionKeyAddress = '0x...';
const sessionID = '0x...';
const smartAccountWithSession = await createSessionSmartAccountClient(
accountAddress: smartAccountAddress, // Set the account address on behalf of the user
"DEFAULT_STORE" // Can be ommitted if using default session storage (localStorage in browser, fileStorage in node backend)
// The smartAccountWithSession instance can now be used to interact with the blockchain on behalf of the user in the same manner as a regular smart account instance.
// smartAccountWithSession.sendTransaction(...) etc.
Creates a new instance of BiconomySmartAccountV2 class. This is used to impersonate a users smart account by a dapp, for use with a valid session that has previously been granted by the user. A dummy signer is passed into the smart account instance, which cannot be used. The sessionSigner is used instead for signing transactions, which is fetched from the session storage using the sessionID. ISessionStorage