Type Parameters
- TSmartAccount extends undefined | object & Assign_<SmartAccountImplementation<Abi, EntryPointVersion, object>, {
address: `0x${string}`;
getNonce: ((parameters?) => Promise<bigint>);
isDeployed: (() => Promise<boolean>);
type: "smart";
}> & {
address: `0x${string}`;
getNonce: ((parameters?) => Promise<bigint>);
isDeployed: (() => Promise<boolean>);
type: "smart";
- client: Client<Transport, undefined | Chain, TSmartAccount>
parameters: GetSmartAccountParameter<TSmartAccount, object & Assign_<SmartAccountImplementation<Abi, EntryPointVersion, object>, {
address: `0x${string}`;
getNonce: ((parameters?) => Promise<bigint>);
isDeployed: (() => Promise<boolean>);
type: "smart";
}> & {
address: `0x${string}`;
getNonce: ((parameters?) => Promise<bigint>);
isDeployed: (() => Promise<boolean>);
type: "smart";
}, true>
Returns Promise<Hex>
The address of the active hook as a hexadecimal string.
Retrieves the active hook for a given smart account.