Interface FilledPaymentInfo

Extended payment information including calculated token amounts FilledPaymentInfo

interface FilledPaymentInfo {
    chainId: string;
    initCode: `0x${string}`;
    nonce: string;
    sender: `0x${string}`;
    token: `0x${string}`;
    tokenAmount: string;
    tokenValue: string;
    tokenWeiAmount: string;


chainId: string

Chain ID where the payment will be processed

initCode: `0x${string}`

Optional initialization code for account deployment

nonce: string

Current nonce of the sender account

sender: `0x${string}`

Address of the account paying for the transaction

token: `0x${string}`

Address of the token used for payment

tokenAmount: string

Human-readable token amount

tokenValue: string

Token value in the transaction

tokenWeiAmount: string

Token amount in wei