Type alias GrantPermissionParameters<TModularSmartAccount>

GrantPermissionParameters<TModularSmartAccount>: {
    account?: TModularSmartAccount;
    attesters?: Hex[];
    calls?: Call[];
    maxFeePerGas?: bigint;
    maxPriorityFeePerGas?: bigint;
    nonce?: bigint;
    publicClient?: PublicClient;
    sessionRequestedInfo: CreateSessionDataParams[];

Parameters for creating sessions in a modular smart account.

Type Parameters

  • TModularSmartAccount extends ModularSmartAccount | undefined

    Type of the modular smart account, extending ModularSmartAccount or undefined.

Type declaration

  • Optional account?: TModularSmartAccount

    The modular smart account to create sessions for. If not provided, the client's account will be used.

  • Optional attesters?: Hex[]

    Optional attesters to trust.

  • Optional calls?: Call[]

    Additional calls to be included in the user operation.

  • Optional maxFeePerGas?: bigint

    The maximum fee per gas unit the transaction is willing to pay.

  • Optional maxPriorityFeePerGas?: bigint

    The maximum priority fee per gas unit the transaction is willing to pay.

  • Optional nonce?: bigint

    The nonce of the transaction. If not provided, it will be determined automatically.

  • Optional publicClient?: PublicClient

    Optional public client for blockchain interactions.

  • sessionRequestedInfo: CreateSessionDataParams[]

    Array of session data parameters for creating multiple sessions.